
Brent Kilpela
Assessor - MAAO, MCPPE
517-546-2817 ext. 111
Hours:   Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 PM
Assessor will get back to you within 5 business days.

Carol Makushik
Deputy Assessor - MCAT
517-546-2817 ext. 102

The Assessor is typically available to meet in-person Monday - Thursday 8am to 5pm. However it is best to call ahead to ensure schedules match. Assessing records are available 24 hours a day on our Howell Township website The Assessing Department is happy to help with information requests, land divisions, and record requests. The Assessor is also available by phone, email or in-person to informally resolve disputes before an appointment with the Board of Review is requested.