ZBA Public Notice - April 15, 2025 - 4706- 05-202-019
3525 BYRON RD. HOWELL, MI 48855, 517-546-2817
The Howell Township Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding the following Public Hearing at the Howell Township Hall: 3525 Byron Rd. Howell, MI 48855 on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following request:
PETITIONER: Bailey Hessler-Tolentino, File# PZBA2025-01, PARCEL #4706-05-202-019, 4229 W. Allen Rd., Howell, MI 48855 (full legal description available upon request.)
ARTICLE III – General Provisions, Section 3.17 Schedule of Area, Height, and Setback Regulations
Article IV – Agricultural – Residential District, Section 4.06 Dimensional Regulations
REQUEST: Applying for a variance to build an addition onto the existing house within the property setback area.
The Public is invited to submit written comments on the proposed request to the Zoning Administrator at or at Howell Township Hall, 3525 Byron Rd. Howell, MI 48855 any time prior to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2025.
Jonathan Hohenstein
Howell Township Zoning Administrator
Public Hearing - Planning Commission - 4706-12-400-010
3525 BYRON RD. HOWELL, MI 48855 517-546-2817
The Howell Township Planning Commission will be holding the following Public Hearing at the Howell Township Hall: 3525 Byron Rd. Howell, MI 48855 on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following request:
PETITIONER: Alisa and Marc Seyburn, File# PC2025-03, Parcel #4706-12-400-010, Vacant land – Marr Rd. Howell, MI 48855 (full legal description available upon request.)
ARTICLE 23 – Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Map,
REQUEST: To rezone property from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Agricultural Residential (AR)
The Public is invited to submit written comments on the proposed request to the Zoning Administrator at or at Howell Township Hall, 3525 Byron Rd. Howell, MI 48855 any time prior to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 21, 2025.
Jonathan Hohenstein
Howell Township Zoning Administrator
Howell Township Spring Clean Up Day
Saturday, May 17, 2025 Howell Township is having their annual clean-up day. This is a service to Howell Township residents only (proof of residency is required). The clean-up will be at THE GARBAGE MAN LLC located at 2000 N. Burkhart Road Howell. Hours are 9:00am to Noon. All large items being dropped off must be able to be handled by 2 people.
For additional information, see the attached file.
Howell Township Spring Clean Up Day
Howell Township Fall Clean Up Event
Saturday, September 13, 2025 Howell Township is having their annual clean-up day. This is a service to Howell Township residents only (proof of residency is required). The clean-up will be at THE GARBAGE MAN LLC located at 2000 N. Burkhart Road Howell. Hours are 9:00am to Noon. All large items being dropped off must be able to be handled by 2 people.
For additional information, please see the attached file.
Howell Township Fall Clean Up Day
Shred Experts- Information Sheet
American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery FundĀ
Under ARPA and CLFRF Howell Township is scheduled to receive a total of $756,754.00. This amount is based on the population determined by the U.S. Treasury and the Township’s top-line budget. Howell Township received the first half of the money in September of 2021. The second payment was received in July of 2022.
Under the U.S. Department of Treasury’s final rule released in January of 2022 the Township is able to use these funds for four broad categories: Revenue Loss for Government Services, COVID-19 Expenditures, Premium Pay for Essential Workers, and Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure.
The Howell Township Board has agreed to use the funds for the following projects to date:
Proposed Broadband Expansion with Mi Signal
The Howell Township Board has decided to make high-speed broadband internet access a priority for the residents of the Township. Howell Township is working with Mi Signal, a Howell based Internet Company, to provide fiber optic service at gigabit speeds. The Township will be split into two areas: the unserved areas of the Township that lack broadband internet, and the rest of the Township that may have broadband internet at the road but no feasible way to get internet to their house. Howell Township will be dedicating $350,000.00 of the Township’s ARPA funds with the goal of providing access to every house in the Township.
The northwest and southwest sections of the Township do not have access to broadband internet. These two areas will be the priority areas for broadband service. The areas highlighted in yellow on the map below will be built out in approximately 6 months.
The build out time for the remainder of the Township is approximately 18 months.
Mi Signal has had some issues getting the lines installed on the schedule discussed with the Township Board. As of April 2023 Mi Signal says the Township’s southwest corner build is complete. The northwest build is awaiting utility poles damaged by storms to be replaced. Mi Signal does not have an estimate on when the poles will be replaced.
Part of the agreement the Township has with Mi Signal includes two provisions that residents should know about. 1. Mi Signal will not charge a connection fee to residents who decide to get internet service from Mi Signal. 2. The monthly price for gigabit speed will not exceed $75 for the first 5 years. In fact Mi Signal currently says, “Pricing for residential service starts at $50/month for new customers referred by current customers or pre-construction area orders. Standard service is $70/month.” If you have any questions about Mi Signal or the services they provide please contact them at: 517-234-3434 or at
Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Sewer Pump Stations
Currently 6 of our sewer pump stations do not have remote control and monitoring capabilities. The remaining 6 pump stations will get updated equipment that allows the waste water plant operator to remotely monitor and operate these stations. The estimate is $10,060 per station.
Line the Influent Channel
The influent channel in the headworks building has a lot of corrosion due to hydrogen sulfide gas. The channel will be lined with a product that is resistant to hydrogen sulfide and will protect the cement underneath. Estimate for the project $17,250.
Repair the Fine Screen
The influent channel has a fine screen that removes debris from the wastewater. This screen helps prevent material from making it through the rest of the plant and clogging other operations downstream. The screen is in need of repair to bring it back to operational condition. Total cost: $22,294.
Upgrade the UV Disinfection System
The previous operator flooded the UV system shorting out most of the electrical components on the UV system. After careful inspection of the three modules only one currently works. In that one operational module, about half of the UV bulbs work due to electrical issues. MHOG was able to locate the manufacturer and they are able to rebuild the system to fit in the existing UV channel. One module would need to be stripped of parts and cleaned before shipping it to the manufacturer. Estimate to rebuild one module $31,780, plus shipping $1,850.
Replace the Air Compressor
The sand filters collect the remaining particulate matter in the wastewater. The filters need compressed air to agitate the sand to clean it. The previous operator did not perform regular maintenance on the air compressor and it no longer operates. Total cost: $30,568.
Rehabilitate Pump Station #71
The pump station that services Burkhart Ridge is in poor condition. The hydrogen sulfide gas has corroded the cement wet well and the pump piping. The update will include installing a down pipe on the pipe coming into the station reducing the hydrogen sulfide gas build-up. The piping will be replaced and the wet well will be lined to protect against further corrosion. Total cost: $94,060.
Transfer Switch
Pump station 73 is in need of a new transfer switch between the generator and the pumps. Estimate for the transfer switch and installation is $9,950.